Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Play: Nine to Twelve Months

Active time! This is typically the age group in which mobility takes top priority, whether it's crawling, cruising or walking.

Nine to Twelve Months:

Rock-a-stack/stacking rings--this is a classic, made in lots of versions...most famous by Fisher Price. You can work on LOTS of concepts with this toy and for a long time
Motion concepts:
-Pulling the rings 'off' will happen before being able to put them back 'on'
Color concepts:
-talking about colors will only be an introduction at this age...use the color names any way b/c remember it takes hearing a word 1,000 of times before he understands or uses a word
-when he is a lot older you can "test" to see if they know the colors ("hand me the red ring")
Size concepts:
-not ready for this yet, but later you can talk about "smallest" and "bigger", "largest", etc

Bead Frame--you've probably seen these in doctor's offices...curvy, metal frame with beads on them that the child can move up and around.
-works on eye-hand coordination
-when older works on color recognition, math concepts (counting the beads) and lots of opportunities for language (especially if you get the one with beads in the shape of transportation vehicles

Books--of course books should be in the discussion on play
-at this age they will love to listen to you read any book--the intonation of your voice is teaching them an important aspect of social language.
-for more interactive book reading get books that have textures or mirrors or flaps to lift.

stacking cups--use these in the kitchens while you have to get some cooking done
-she could even use your plastic bowls that nest in each other or stack tupperware or measuring cups.

Developmental milestones: By the end of the first year your child should have at least one word; respond to 'yes/no' questions; nod head for 'yes'; stop action when they hear "no"; respond to his/her name; and wave 'bye bye'.

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